15th Med

15th Medical Detachment, Grafenwoehr, Germany

I was a mechanic in the 15th from the spring of 63 to the spring of 65. The day I got there the H-19's were being turned in. They were replaced by 5 H-13's with litter pods. One test flight a pod fell off, luckily it was on the opposite side of the tail rotor. I went on a flight that we covered a parachute drop. We hauled 2 injured in the pods and us inside, slighty over gross. The 15th came over during the Berlin crises. We had a canvas hanger with a shop made out of wall lockers put together with a acetylene welder and clothes hangers as welding rods. We had one corner of the airfield at Bad Kreuznach. The H-13's just kept the pilots current. We had 4 Majors and one Captain, slightly top heavy. We played a lot of volleyball.

Larry Pullar

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