15th Med

15th Medical Detachment, Grafenwoehr, Germany

Hector R. Rosario
  • Male
  • San Antonio, TX
  • United States
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Hector R. Rosario's Friends

  • Orlando Kelly
  • mark holmes surowiec

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Hector R. Rosario and Orlando Kelly are now friends
Jun 6, 2012

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What was your rank and MOS?
E-5/E-6 91B (91W)
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Comment Wall (10 comments)

At 2:44pm on April 28, 2009, John Morgan said…
Hi Hector and Grace!!!

You live in San Antonio??!! Well, Linda and I are just about 20 miles northeast in New Braunfels. Have been here for 3 years. We will have to get together some time, for sure. I remember what a great short stop you were, and what a pretty wife you have! I may be old, but not dead yet.

Great to hear from you. I am semi-retired and do a little work from home. Alonzo lives in San Antonio and so does Doug Boom. Doug and I used to work at the same company in San Antonio. He still does, and I do part time work from home for that company.

I stay busy with web site development and updates, and music. I play in a lot of different groups.

Great hearing from you.

At 6:02pm on April 28, 2009, CRISPIN PEREZ (CRIS) said…
Hola Valsalva,Coriolis como estas sorpresa ya que hace tiempo que estava por saber de ti.Donde estas que estas haciendo en estos dias.Yo estoy aqui en Puerto Rico Trabajo en San Juan MEPS,los Otros dias recibi un I mail de Edwin Cotto te recuedas de el.Yo tambien di con esta pagina de casualidad ya somos muchos.Me alegra saber de ustedes .. Crispin
At 10:29pm on April 28, 2009, CRISPIN PEREZ (CRIS) said…
Bueno; Ya estamos en contacto de nuevo,tremenda idea de Mr. Calhoun en crear esta pagina.Mucha salud para ti y los tuyos. Crispin
At 8:41am on April 29, 2009, Alonzo Morris Atkinson said…
Good to hear from you too. Where are you and how's your family? I guess your kids are all grown up now - what are they doing? If you are in SA, drop in a see us. (26110 Starlite Way in the Timberwood Development of Blanco Rd across from Camp Bullis.
At 9:36pm on April 29, 2009, jeffrey adams said…
Hector! Good to see you . What are you doing with that fart bag? Hey what have you been doing lately?
At 8:25am on April 30, 2009, Alonzo Morris Atkinson said…
It is a small world. You live almost as close as we were in Dorfgmund.
You should have stopped and come in yesterday. Suzi just had Achilles heel surgery, so we aren't getting out much for the next 3 weeks. Once she gets mobile again we'll have to find a local Gasthaus for a meal.
At 3:16am on May 2, 2009, Julie Adams-Van Horn said…
Hector! It's great to hear from you! I have read your comments and I am so happy for you! Another little girl! Congratulations. It seems almost just like yesterday that we were all together. All in all been great for us. All five of our kids (after we left Graf, Jeff and I had another little boy and adopted a five year old girl, when I remarried, my husband blended his two kids with ours)so I have another son and daughter. (30, 27, 24, 22, 21!!! ) We also have a 5 and a half year old grandaughter, 17 month old grandson, another grandson due in June and our youngest is having his first child in December!!! We all really do get along. Jeff, his wife, me, and my husband and ALL of the kids were just together for a family vacation last fall when our son returned from deployment. Life just keeps getting better! I am a nurse at Evans Army Community Hospital at Ft. Carson, Co. If you are ever in our area you are so welcome to come on over. I really hope that one day we can have a reunion. There would be so much fun had by all..... just telling old stories. Please say hello to Grace for me.
At 5:37pm on May 10, 2009, jeffrey adams said…
Well, After the Army I took a bunch of small jobs, not really knowing what to do. But then, I came donw here to Mesa and worked for Boeing. I worked for them for about ten years or so. I just left them for a Federal jod, Im working for DCMA. I monitor what Boeing does. Strange huh? How do you like San Antonio. I went down on a boon dogle foor Boeing a couple years back to the Houston area. I liked it. I had a good time. I went to Galveston while I was there and that was cool. I have remarried, to a nice lady, her name is Evelyn. She has a son who served in the Airforce. Some say thats a branch in the military. Those who are kind minded. Well hey Got to run. Talk with you later.
At 12:01pm on May 25, 2009, CRISPIN PEREZ (CRIS) said…
Hola Valsalva,Como esta todo? De por aca todo bien La semana pasada estuve por Kentuky en la graduacion de Karla la menor mia ya termine con las univercidades. Posiblemente la conferencia de medical de MEPS sea en San Antonio para el mes de Sept 09, Si es asi a ver si hacemos contacto para vernos ya te informare. Edwin Cotto me envio un e-Mail en estos dias le di de tu info ya pronto se comunicara con tigo en la pagina,esta de Maestro en Chicago ya va para 20 years por alla. Se Caso de nuevo y tiene un nene.siempre con sus cosas como en Graf.Cuando me retire enpese con una compania de Ambulancias Aereas aqui en P. R. Pero tu y yo estabamos mas cualificados que el suprevisor. Y la paga no era la mejor, luego aplique para Federal Job con el MEPS y ya son 10 con ellos.Tengo tambien unas fotos donde tu estas ya pronto las pongo en la pagina.Despues de15th Med me fui a Vilseck NCOIC de la clinica, y para sorpresa mia para Desert Storm me llegaron ordenes para deploy con el 236 Med Co como tu sabes 15th y 236 se unieron para hacer la unidad. Me encontre con mienbros de 15th. Como Cpt Babine. Sgt Terry y otros mas fui como PLt Sgt ya quinen estava a cargo era un SSG.Un poquito de resistencia al principio ya que yo era el nuevo Plt Sgt en la unidad pero al final todo salimos buenos amigos eramos 21, Solamente perdimos un Flight Medic en este conflicto.Bueno Hector mucha Salud para ti y los tuyos....Crispin
At 11:24am on May 31, 2018, James P said…

Good Day,

How is everything with you, I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and deemed it necessary to write you immediately. I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on (mrjamespollard7@gmail.com) for the full details.
Have a nice day
Thanks God bless.

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