15th Med

15th Medical Detachment, Grafenwoehr, Germany

arrived at 21st replacement co in Germany from Ft Rucker ( there were 12 of us) the CQ put us on the 4th floor and we were told to stay there till some one gets us (this was Monday) we got up the following day and we saw every oneout side but we did stay there, we did see where the mess hall was so we did eat, at night we went to town ( got drunk every night) Sat morning came and the 1st sgt and CO came up the stairs, (all hell broke out) they have been looking for use since Mon2 hours later a CH-34 pick all 12 of use up and off to Bad K we went.
arriving at 15th Med the 1st thing Mag Murphy told use was we had to stay on base for a month to get use to the beer(no one told him he have been drinking for a week) that was the 1st week of 15th Med.

some one up higher had this grrat idea that we needed a real hanger not just a tent so about 8 of use were sent to Nancy France and we were to take down a AF hanger, highest rank was E-4, we number all the bolts, nuts and beams and took the hanger apart and we were shipping it back to Bad K, about the 4th trip the driver came back he inform use that they lost the last load and we were to return back to the unit.
we got back to Bad K (with the AF less some trucks) and we pull up to the company (7 vehicles) and there was a note on the front door, all it said was WE MOVE TO Overslihiem Maj Murphy P.S. bring full truck.
one of the other CE said he was there once and thinks he knows were it was so no we had a 8 veh convoy going south, make long story short 3 days later we got to the new company (and that another story, I ask Murphy if he was worried about use and he told me NO the MP knew where we were.

It was my CH-34 that was hit by the Farmer,
We had a great time all of us when we served with the 15th Med

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